I thought that this was going to be more difficult. It wasn't, because I thought about it. I wanted to cut into the fabric and then pick up stitches. That was a good idea, but not the best idea. I was afraid that there was going to be a lot of unraveling and I was not going to put myself through that.
You see, the main issue and challenge is where to put the pocket. Given the fact that I had to select three rows, I had a very hard time trying to decide which 3. The fact that the ones I wanted were not the best ones got me to decide that it would be better to create another strategy. I guess the easiest one was to pick part of the pattern in smaller needles and create a swatch that I would be using as the pocket cover.
I picked 36 sts, and 6 of those were kind of as selvedge. I have to say that I am very proud of myself. I can make afterthought pockets anytime without fear of failure. Thanks for stopping by.