I had no idea whether I was going to Lambtown or not this year. The Month of October came like a cat, silently and fast upon us . I got the chance to go to Lambtown which is a Fiber Festival in Dixon California. It is mainly Alpacas and sheep, all kinds of vendors with silks, weaving, food, and more food. There are spindles and looms, and lots and lots of fleeces. It is a fun venue of healthy fun.
So there is music and lots of contests, from shearing sheep to dogs herding sheep, to the best Suri Alpaca .
The is a small petting Zoo this year and the animals and children are just adorable. This Kitty cat was playing with a piglet.
There were all kinds of things for children to do and things for parents to do. This year we had square dancers and some not so good singers. Sometimes the music was WAY too loud.
The BBQ was fantastic let me tell you, but not from this booth, we got it from another place. Here we got a link and we split the link in two. The serve too much food in my opinion.
The skies were blue and almost clear, the weather was perfect. I was fortunate to have some of my friends joining me at this venue, most by chance as we did not plan it as we did last year. Even my partner went with me and had a good time. The Monday Night Knit group was represented by a lot of the members, even the crocheters from the Monday Night Knit group were there. Some could not attend due to other circumstances and were missed. John, Kyle and Kate you were missed.
It came to and end and we came back home from the country side and back to the city side. The trip was worth the time and the weather was nicer than last year. It was cooler. Below is what I got from there. I bought a Turkish Spindle, American Made by Clemes & Clemes, Inc from Pinole, California, their website is http://www.clemes.com/ . Making AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS, just in case you were looking for that. I will have another posting about the turkish spindle later this week. I also got some fiber fun which will mean a video as well. I got a silk hanky to spin from Tactile a Fiber Arts Studio, and got to meet Maia the owner. Maia has been a contributor to the Men Knitting Retreats. Her store is http://www.tactilefiberarts.com/ , she has marvelous stuff. I hope you enjoy my little excursion and thanks for stopping by!