This Mission has been accomplished the Borg yarn is finished. This is definitely Borg Green for my dearest of friends the Borg. It is done and hand dyed with the technology of Kool Aid and Food coloring, the Borg will have a bit of an upset stomach. It is a targhee/clun Forest blend. It was a project that section 31 engaged me about. Let the Tongo wheel spin and spin. Thanks for stopping by!
I am hoping that this blog will help you and me experience the craft of crochet as well as knitting. During times of silence or turmoil, crochet and knitting continuously help me quiet my mind at my own pace, enabling me to find my center. I am also sharing my SECRET persona, Lt. DAX, my life in code while living in Bajor. Maybe fiction maybe not is up to you to decide. Peldor Joi!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Borg are Here
Against all odds as they say and with the help of Gorilla Glue I was able to spin and ply this baby. Mike had a lot to do with is as he suggested the Gorilla Glue. My Sonata is working for now and I will enjoy the wheel as long as I can enjoy it. I asked some of my friends for their favorite wheel choices and some interesting choices came to be. I am not very happy with the Kromskis at this time, but I am almost happy with the New Voyager People. I am done wasting my energy with this situation and know that I am kind of on my own, which is not a bad thing to happen. I know myself very well. I will be very happy to continue using my Krosmki for four or five more years then get something different. I have looked at Schacht and at Lendrums, Louet is not a bad place to look at either. Enough! Let the Borg go and take care of them, maybe assimilation will bring better craftsmanship and quality control.
This Mission has been accomplished the Borg yarn is finished. This is definitely Borg Green for my dearest of friends the Borg. It is done and hand dyed with the technology of Kool Aid and Food coloring, the Borg will have a bit of an upset stomach. It is a targhee/clun Forest blend. It was a project that section 31 engaged me about. Let the Tongo wheel spin and spin. Thanks for stopping by!
This Mission has been accomplished the Borg yarn is finished. This is definitely Borg Green for my dearest of friends the Borg. It is done and hand dyed with the technology of Kool Aid and Food coloring, the Borg will have a bit of an upset stomach. It is a targhee/clun Forest blend. It was a project that section 31 engaged me about. Let the Tongo wheel spin and spin. Thanks for stopping by!
Almost two years without blogging August 2020
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...

Well I am doing this in a public way , because I found at least four people that have been hit with this. The headline was "Credit Card...
The Prisoner of Azkaban Hogwarts scarves are very different from the old scarves where egalitarian stripes where the norm. I have created a...
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...