This is the second part of weaving something. You need to create a header to open the work for your weaving. Even though I have not weaved for a long time, I realized that if I did the header in plain weave it is easier to remove at the end. I have sometimes weaved the header under the same shed with three picks one way and 3 picks the other. It opens ope nicely. This one is simple weave for a bit and easy to distinguish from the main colors! This pattern is from the Lion Brand website and it is called "The Boyfriend Scarf". I called it the Boyfriend from Delphi.
This is my work in progress, even as I had to undo some of the work, because I made a mistake. It is a very simple pattern to weave, but if you don't pay attention you will make a mistake, very easy to fix. You see here I am using a solid wood ruler to use as a pick stick. More than a pick stick at this moment it helps me keep the shed open in the correct way. Unless you want to look into the shed every time you weave, a rule or stick like this is very handy , because it keeps the shed that you are in open , up or down in place. You have to make sure that what you use, in this case a ruler, has no sharp edges or metal at the edge. You don't want to cut your yarn with the metal edge. So I will weave a bit more today, maybe a lot. Thanks for stopping by!