Five years ago I would have not thought it possible that I would be posting so much about my life online. It has been almost five years since my first blog entry. Time truly runs like the wind. This post is about the MFKR , so let's get going on that subject. Men across the miles from all walks of life, come and flock like birds to our retreats. It is about men knitting and sharing in the craft, is not about TV, or social status or sexual orientation. You can crochet, spin and even weave, but the main focus is knitting. This is the third MFKR and my 4th MKR. Dumas Bay Center is a great place, affordable, clean and very reachable by transportation from the airport. We have friends in Seattle and the surrounding areas. I think we all our going to move up there some day and have a village outside Seattle of the Men Who Knit, I hope you enjoy the journey I will take you , this retreat was a success in itself, no comparison , each retreat has it 's own value independently of the others.
This is the first night and after dinner we did not do the getting to know each other, rather we introduced ourselves quickly, then proceeded to see the fabulous prizes our sponsors donated. Needless to say Skacel is always here, we got our back packs from them, very handy I may say. Michael has put all the prices in display like a real store in this cabinet, and it is wondrous we all look forward to the swag.
Is this SABLE (stash addition beyond life expectancy) maybe lol. The Jane Ellison Noro Men
book was a gift, but this is not the only book we got. The Entree to Entrelac: The Definitive Guide from a Biased Knitter
Book was a gift as well. Biased knitting , now I know how to use my Knit Picks overspun bargain yarn and make an entrelac vest, you bet. We got Curious Creek Fiber, we got Rainy Days & Wooly Dogs GothSocks yarn, the Skacel ag, Simplicity yarn by Skacel, Candy by and some yarnies from New Zealands best Little Yarn Shop , James has beautiful colorways and does the yarn dyeing himself. It is Kettle Dye and Very affordable , the shipping is not bad. "Girl on the Rocks " an Etsy shop as always very kind with great stitch markers and notions hand made. Valley Yarns gifted us a skein each and a full Afghan kit to one of the guys. We got wool SOAK for rinsing the wool. We also got patterns, from Stephen West, Marlowe Crawford, Franklin Habit, Crafty Andy (Also a Moth Be gone Sachet designed by Kate Godfrey), pattern, Kieran Foley pattern, brigade Pullover by Todd Gocken. I hope I did not miss anyone. We got a tape measure from ChurchMouse Yarns and Teas. There was plenty of fiber for free, we got a chance to take some Wollmeise that our friend Kerry donated, some yarn from Anzula "Oasis" that was left over form the New Zealand retreat. Lots of unspun fiber for the taking. The first night was a success with two classes starting almost immediately, Drop spindle with Michael Wade and Cast Ons with Tom Belunis later on that nite. I slept very little that nite and every nite, is the adrenaline I guess.

Tomorrow is another day and I will have to leave it for tomorrow so that you keep an interest on this retreat that has always been beyond my expectations.
Tomorrow is another day and I will have to leave it for tomorrow so that you keep an interest on this retreat that has always been beyond my expectations.