I make this once in a while and Today was a good day to make this Tart. Simple really, two pears or so sliced thinly, over a custard filling. Well it has two eggs, Neufchatel cheese because is a soft cheese The American version, which is what I use , not the French version, is similar to cream cheese, is made from pasteurized milk and cream. American Neufchatel is slightly lower in calories than cream cheese and has slightly more moisture. Regular cream cheese can be substituted for Neufchatel cheese, especially in recipes for dips and spreads, with good results. You may notice a slightly different texture in cooked products. I honestly like baking with it, I added two eggs instead of one because this cheese is a bit different. The crust is made of whole grain pastry flour with some extra fiber thrown in it, some butter and some cream cheese and a bit of splenda. The Filling in itself gets a bit of splenda as well 1/4 th of a cup to 8 ounces of cream chese. with a 1/2 tsp of Ginger, two tablespoons of red wine you make a little sauce which you bathe your pear slices, and some almond extract as well. Very easy to make and it is an Atkins approved dessert, I take the recipe from the book, but I do change some of the ingredients, one for sure is I like almond extract a lot, and ginger lol. I feel almost normal, I have been very busy and no time for fun, baking is fun in my opinion, is as close to chemistry as I get without having to do some yarn dyeing. Thanks for stopping by.
I am hoping that this blog will help you and me experience the craft of crochet as well as knitting. During times of silence or turmoil, crochet and knitting continuously help me quiet my mind at my own pace, enabling me to find my center. I am also sharing my SECRET persona, Lt. DAX, my life in code while living in Bajor. Maybe fiction maybe not is up to you to decide. Peldor Joi!!!
Almost two years without blogging August 2020
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...

Well I am doing this in a public way , because I found at least four people that have been hit with this. The headline was "Credit Card...
The Prisoner of Azkaban Hogwarts scarves are very different from the old scarves where egalitarian stripes where the norm. I have created a...
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...