I am hoping that this blog will help you and me experience the craft of crochet as well as knitting. During times of silence or turmoil, crochet and knitting continuously help me quiet my mind at my own pace, enabling me to find my center. I am also sharing my SECRET persona, Lt. DAX, my life in code while living in Bajor. Maybe fiction maybe not is up to you to decide. Peldor Joi!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tour De Fleece
I am almost done with my ply. The music is "By Your Command", by RIchard Gobbs, for the Galactica CD . I enjoy spinning to music and watching my favorite SyFy episodes. The act of plying is fun, but you have to be rested. The same goes with making a single, I notice that if I am tired I become sloppy in my spinning even on a wheel. The wheel versus the Drop Spindle. The wheel is less work on your body, the drop spindle gives you a bit of a work out and you are not as fast, even though sometimes you can accomplish the same amount of spinning. I am at the point of the ply which I take two singles and make them into plied yarn. I am hoping to get another video where I am getting this skein ready for dyeing and setting the twist at the same time. It will be Monday soon and I need to rest. Thanks for stopping by!
Almost two years without blogging August 2020
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...

Well I am doing this in a public way , because I found at least four people that have been hit with this. The headline was "Credit Card...
The Prisoner of Azkaban Hogwarts scarves are very different from the old scarves where egalitarian stripes where the norm. I have created a...
Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available. It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog. I have s...