Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas in Cotton, some WIP

The first picture as you can tell is some Tapestry Crochet , I had to redo the sides as I was lazy and did not chart the sides and went ad lib. The snowflakes on the side looked like Space Invaders, remember those? SO I decided to do something else that you will get to see sometime in the next few days. This is made in Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton, it is not the softest of yarns to crochet with, but it feels nice. I will not be overheating when I wear this hat inside or outside either. Being Tapestry Crochet on the crown gives it extra density. So this is one of my WIP in Crochet!

The Second picture is my Garterlac scarf, garter titch entrelac scarf. Even though we were taught how to knit and purl backwards, this particular piece does not require tat skill because is in garter stitch. This is a lovely project and I am learning so much with it. I am glad that I am at the second skein of the project I hope I get to finish it before the Thanksgiving Holiday!
So nothing much, just peace and love. Everyone have a great week and I shall be back in a day or two. Thanks for stopping by!

Almost two years without blogging August 2020

Life can be a bowl of strawberries when cheries are not available.   It has been almost two years since I have been in this blog.  I have s...