Hello everyone as I put my Slythein Hat out into the ethers of the ethernet to show the workd that the Honorable House Of Slytherin is still Honorable. This hat came out amazing and it is made with Lamb's Pride worsted. It is amazing because I could not believe that I was able to create this onmy own. I am humbled by my creation, but thanks for all your cheers and support. If I can do it you can do it as well. I think it is a great challenge , but it comes alive as you continue working and shaping it up. I will not be posting from Wednesday until next week as I will be on Vacation looking for yarn in foreign lands. I will share my findings along the way if I can. But don't worry I will be here the week after.
I made this Marble Bundt Cake yasterday for a gather of the Budah People as I call them, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, the met onmy house today for potluck and this was my contribution. It is made with buttermilk, 100% powder cocoa, 4 eggs,1.5 cups of splenda instead of 2, 1/2 q cup of olive oil and half a cup of melted butter,, et cetera, so it is basically sugar free and high in unsaturated ftas as well. A treat and tha tis what I look at even if it is sugar free stuff. It came out delicious and it freezes well.

I am taking some wooden knitting needles and a bone crochet hook, some bamboo yarn and some corn yarn and let's see what I can come up with in my long journey in the search of yarn. I got this little totewith Tom of Maine Stuff perfect for the new TSA traveling regulations. I am including some dental floss for cutting the yarn. At any rate if push comes to shove, I can take two pencils and knit. This package was free from
http://Drugstore.com , I buy a lot of my supplements from them, supplements that have allowed me to retain my health even with all the medications I take and living with AIDS. I am very thankful for the opportunity to share my life with you and others with HIV/AIDS. We can live with this, but we have to change our life focus. You need to look at dark clouds and find their silver linings, looking at dark clouds alone is not a choice anymore lol!
Humor is one of the greatest healers in my life, I laugh so much, mainly because I am happy. I am happy because there is nothing else to be in life. Don't take me wrong, I do have my ups and Downs and some days my life really stinks, but I don't let my pains, aches and suffering interrupt the good things that there are in my life to enjoy. Well enough for today, must be all those M & M's I ate before lol! I will definitively be posting more pictures of things I have on the works before Thanksgiving. Thanks for stopping by!
I've said before and I'll say it again,you're a yarn genius!! The hat is incredible!!!! And could you send me a slice of cake? LOL! Have a wonderful trip and a Happt Thanksgiving! Love ya!
Khebhin aka 1CraftyBoy
The hat is awesome!
Safe travels and talk to you after Thanksgiving...
Holy Cow! this design absolutely floored me! If one day I can create things like this, I'll be in heaven! You're amazing!
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