CrafyAndy ©

I just want to have this online and do a check one month fromthe day I signed up and see what comes up. Is Ladylinoleoum and Jerry's Fault. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain? We shall see!
Found you!
You signed up on September 23, 2007
You are #35330 on the list.
13975 people are ahead of you in line.
3006 people are behind you in line.
55% of the list has been invited so far
The invites move fast. Ravelry is wonderful for comparing patterns, checking out errors, finding lots of new patterns, etc-the first month, you'll be on it a lot, you'll see.
Deneen is right, they do get you on quickly, it just seems like forever.
They are sending hundreds of invites out each day according to their news blog. Ravelry is like big digital project journal. So easy to use. So easy to find new projects to do. :-) See you there soon!
Yep, you'll get there quickly, you'll see. Soon they're going to have new servers and doing invites faster, too.
It's a great place to check out patterns for sure. I love it for that reason. It's still painfully slow but I'm sure that's because there's about 5 million people on there at all times. Hang in there!
Hi Andy...
To get a jump start on things while you wait...set up a flickr acount and start taking pictures of your stash, WIP, FO etc. You'll be thankful that you started will save you time once you get signed up!
Thanks for all the commnets. I have to get my stash, in order lol!
cant w8 to see u there brah!
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