I have been tagged by Riohnna:
OK, here are the rules:
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
Eight random things about me, be glad I have a heart and not ask you to post a video which could be fun to do. On youtube.com lol! I thought about it, but I am not in the mood to fix my hair.
Eight Things about me:
1. I have spent more than half of my life outside of my place of birth, offically 24 years out of 47.
2. I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for 1.5 years.
3. I Love Sci-Fi, specially Star Trek.
4. I taught myself to knit , crochet, and sew ; I love yarn.
5. I have been HIV Positive for 19, disabled by AIDS since 2003, stable at this time.
6. I am an American From the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
7. I believe in the ferengi Rules of Acquisition and believe in the Law of Physics that states
"For every action there is a reaction", be careful what you wish for you may get it.
8. I believe that we create our reality, what we think becomes real. We are one.
Here are my victims, and I have chosen these people because I want to know more about them.
1. knitXcore
2. Padora's Box
3. Jerry
4. Queer Joe
6. Kyle Knits
7. Minky
LOL! This is fun! Love your 8 points, dude!
The internet has allowed us to become one and to share a little of our lives in a public way. It is definitely fun.
OK OK I'm game... I did my best - thanks for thinking of me :) check out my blog for my 8 things...
i promise i'll do this soon!!!!! <333
uuhhhh-ohhhhhh ;)
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