I have always been amazed as to the fact that you are able to learn new things all the time. Somethings by discovering them yourselves and some have already been discovered. The minds that think alike ha ha ha. I made an I-Cord as E. Zimmermann called it "Idiot Cord". So many possible uses one of them being a handle for a bucket that holds your yarn. The handle for this yarn organizer had broken, so I thought the I-Cord will be very useful and it was. The handle was replaced by the I-Cord. You sometimes have such usefulness with the most simple of things. I made this I-Cord with Omega Nylon Thread it will last longer than the organizer lol! .JPG)
If you are looking for an I-Cord Tutorial here is the link I-Cord Tutorial Link.
If you are looking for an I-Cord Tutorial here is the link I-Cord Tutorial Link.
Since I don't knit, I use a corker to make an i-cord for myself and even bought one of those fancy contraptions that makes em, but only using finer yarn.
I would imagine using the Omega-it would outlast anything!
BTW, thanks for the card-it came in today and made me smile!
wow, it looks REALLY STrong!!!!
Hey, Andy. I have a yarn container like that. Very nice picture of you, by the way!
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