The secrets of yarn. You know even though people say that you require less yarn to knit something than to crochet, you have to be careful. If you are knitting something with cables, you will probably need more yarn than if you crocheted the item, or if you just knit it in a very simple Knit one row , Purl one row combination.
Here you have the mystery yarn that is no longer a mystery. It is Plymouth YUKON Yarn, Made from 35% mohair, 35% wool, and 30% acrylic, it is not a bad yarn but it sheds like crazy, yet it is so cozy. I have already started the making of the new afghan of my own design. It is inspired in a Quilting design. It will be made in strips or panels, it will be either 3 panels or 4. Why don't you know yet?, You may ask; The answer is very simple my friends. I have not decided wether I am going to make it a Log Cabin design or if I am going to make it a Three or Four vertical Panels design.
When I am done with the first Section, (the first Panel, will be made of 28 Stitches on # 15 needles, about 3 stitches per inch is the gauge), I will then decide how to proceed with the rest of the afghan in the making. Later on I will post pictures of the way I do a knit stitch and a purl stitch.
Thanks for stopping by.
1 comment:
Ooh, I can't wait to see the progress.
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