I celebrate Orthodox Christmas as well or the Epiphany or Three Kings Day as well, so the Christmas tree is up until the day after or January 7th.
The Epiphany (Greek: επιφάνεια, "the appearance; miraculous phenomenon") is a Christian feast intended to celebrate the 'shining forth' or revelation of God to mankind in human form, in the person of Jesus. The observance had its origins in the eastern Christian churches, and included the birth of Jesus; the visit of the Magi, or Wise Men (traditionally named Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) who arrived in Bethlehem; and all of Jesus' childhood events, up to his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. The date of the feast was fixed on January 6. Ancient Liturgies speak of Illuminatio, Manifestatio, Declaratio (Lighting, Manifestation, Declaration); cf. St. Matthew's Gospel (iii, 13-17); St. Luke's (iii, 22); and St. John's (ii, 1-11); where the Baptism and Marriage at Cana are dwelt upon. The Christian Churches have traditionally also talked of a "Revelation to the Gentiles", where the term Gentile meant all non-Jewish peoples. The Biblical Magi represent the non-Jewish peoples of the world.
I love traditions like this. When I was a child we got gifts twice a year. First on January 6th and then On December 25th. On January fifth as tradition specifies, we got a shoe box or some kind of rectangular box and filled it with grass. We got a bowl and fill it with water as well. Why you may ask? The Three Kings or Magi came from a place far, far away and their animals needed food and water. You put the water and the grass under your bed. Next day when you wake up you look under your bed and is full of presents.
Later as I will share a short trip we took to South Lake Tahoe from San Francisco to show Buster what was Snow. We also went to our State Capital Sacramento in our way to South Lake Tahoe. Thanks for stopping by. Oh and don't worry I still Crochet, just taking a breather.
Peldor Joi!
Wonderful photo montage, looks like a wonderful holiday!
Spectacular post and pictures! Really enjoyed it, Andy :)
You play the harp, eh? Ever play at any of the clubs in SF? My brother has played for years and I've missed hearing him play so much! Now the only chance I get to hear most live harp music is when my husband and I venture on into Chicago to the blues clubs which sadly, isn't as often as I'd like.
I'm so glad y'all had a wonderful Holiday season ~ thanks so much for sharing ;)
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