Here I finished my Santa's hat and my scarf. I get a lot of compliments on my hat and scarf making. I will be having more pictures and more things to say later on this week.
My tree is finally up and lit and just below you will see other decorations that I was working on. I was able to finish two beautiful Christmas Stockings in time and hung them on the fireplace.
Here is another picture of the tree as I was finishing it up. and following you will find the MEME from http://bamboohooking.blogspot.com/ aka Jaye aka "Adventures of Crochet Hookery"

If you wish to participate in this MEME, the considered yourself tagged if you leave a comment. Sneaky I know, but I will leave it up to you to join in the fun. I decided to do this MEME because it allow me to share something with you and to think. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your reading!
Attach a photo of one of your current holiday displays:
1. Egg Nog, Mulled Cider, or Hot Chocolate?
First choice Hot chocolate, Second choice Mulled Cider , third choice Egg Nog or Coquito.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
Secret Santa paper stock. They are beautifully wrapped!
3. Do you decorate the outside of your home with lights? Any other displays?
No outside decorations. Wreath at Front Door.
4. Poinsettias, Holly or Mistletoe?
Poinsettias, when I was a kid we had a big shrub in front of the house, I love these flowers...

I prefer to put them After Thanksgiving, the day after..
6. Do you prefer to give or receive?
There is equal joy in the exchange, If receiving I like gift Cards!
7. Cut tree, live tree, artificial tree, or Festivus pole?
Artificial. I go over board with decorations sometimes. Real tree's are a fire hazard. If it was not because of the fire Hazard I would not mind a real tree.
8. Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
9. Do you display a nativity scene?
Not every Year!
10.When did you learn the truth about Santa?
What truth?
11. Snow! Love it or dread it?
As long as I don't have to shovel the snow I am fine with it.
12. Can you ice skate?
13. Do you open your gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Some years I wait until a minute past Midnight and Open one Gift on Christmas Day, then go to sleep!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?
To have a good time and to celebrate Life!
15. What is your favorite holiday cookie?
Coconut Maccaroons!
16. What tops your tree?
I like an Angel or a Star. This year I have a shiny ornament that resembles a star!
17. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I love instrumental Clasical Christmas music, some ethnic Spanish Villancicos, In modern usage, villancico is the Spanish word for Christmas carol.
18. What is your favorite Christmas movie or story?
It's a Wonderful Life, Polar Express, A lot of the COmedy Santa Movies, anything that gives hope and makes you believe in the magic of Christmas.
19. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? If Yum, how do you eat them?
Chocolate covered Candy Canes are a posibility, but after one I had enough.
20. Do you send Christmas cards? If yes, do you enclose a letter or picture?
I send cards almost every year. If you are in my naughty list, you will get a card written with coal LOL!
21. What kind of lights do you decorate your Christmas tree with? White lights, or another solid color, multi colored, candles, or a novelty light such as bubble lights?
The tree this year has red lights. I really won't know until I decide what theme will the tree have.
22. Favorite Christmas memory as a child?
It was always about opening presents, my parents were great providers of presents. We had presents on the 25th od December and then on the 6th of January, the Epiphany .
23. Best present that you have received?
I could not honestly tell you. Every gift is special to me . I like them all. I guess since I never expect gifts from anyone, each is special. The least I expect is a Card or a Merry Christmas with something to eat! LOL! I always give myself one gift , I do wrap it and put it under the tree. That's the one that really counts in my book. Anything else is trully a blessing to receive a gift from someone.
24. Turkey, Ham, Seafood, or Soup for your holiday dinner?
Breakfast is usually Panettone with some strong coffee. Lunch and Dinner is followed with Baked Ham, Arroz con Gandules(Rice with Pigeon Peas), sometimes Pasteles and if I have time I do a lot of ethnic puertorrican cuisine that's typical for the holidays.
25. Describe your favorite Christmas ornament.
I will have to say techi ornaments with lights and voices. If it is not a techi one it would be glass spheres. It is also nice to make your own ornaments from natural recycleable materials.
Andy, you look fabulous!
May I sit on Santa's lap? :-)
I loved reading about your traditions. Merry Christmas mi amor!
Happy Holidays my blogging friend! (It's already christmas here in NZ!)
Andy, you make my heart so joyful! I love all of your answers to this Meme so, so much. You put so much thought into all of them and you've really made me smile.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, my dear friend, and I wish you all the best for the coming New Year!
Big bear hugs to you!!
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