Well Happy Hooking I am 46! lol. I share my birthdate with Kate Mulgrew or best known as Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager . Born 04/29. Happy Birthday Kate and Andy. The picture above is from Tea at Five, which I was honored to see. What a treat to see Kate Mukgrew perfomr in San Francisco.

This is a picture that you have not seen yet. Well not this picture, but the one below lol.
It is the Southwest Ripples Afghan for a friend . Today is my birthday and I have had a great day. I got up and went to the gym so that I am able to eat the Tiramisu Cake that I had later. I got 2 SIMS2 expansion packs for a gift. Thank you Michael.
I have been rather busy with my onlne groups and my personal stuff. Life neatly assembles itself in a very peculiar way. We need to be the sculptors of our life and make it work for us.

With this I close the month of April . At the http://groups.msn.com/crochetdepot we are making lots of stuff. This next month we will have our firts Mystery Pattern. If you like come and join the group, you will need an MSN passport account for that. Anyway I will be getting back to normal soon and posting more on my blog as I get more organized. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
OMG, I'm a huge Kate Mulgrew fan!!!! I just pulled out my Janeway action figure, perfectly preserved in its box, this evening. I watch Voyager reruns over and over. I'm very jealous that you went to that live show!!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!
I have always liked Kate Mulgrew too.. even when she was on Ryan's Hope years ago.
My birthday is 5/28. So you were born in 1960... you baby!!! I was born in '57. I told my dad this is my last year "UNDER" the hill....
the afghan looks great. Thanks for the great job you are doing at Crochet Depot.
Happy belated Birthday, Andy! Hope you enjoyed a great day and wishing you a wonderful year ahead :)
Happy birthday dude! Janeway has always been my favorite captain. Hope you had a great time!!
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