I also contacted Maitri . I will be teaching some of the residents how to crochet for a while.
Since 1987, Maitri has been providing hospice and 24-hour care to men and women living with AIDS. "Maitri," pronounced "MY-tree," is a Sanskrit word that means "compassionate friendship." In this 15-bed facility, skilled professionals and dedicated volunteers offer nursing and personal care as well as emotional and spiritual resources to help meet the special needs associated with HIV-related illness. This non-profit program in San Francisco is focused especially on those who might otherwise be without adequate resources or care.
Sometimes you have to do something to help ease the pain of people. I know that everything is working in the right order and in the right sequence.
May the Gods of Kobol smile on us once more!!!!
What a wonderful thing you are doing.. Having worked in long term care for many years, I know how important the feel of those wonderful afghans can be. You have a big heart.
You're such a good and loving person. Big smooches!
awww . . that's so sweet! You made me smile! :)
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